Sunday, November 28, 2010

Blog Evaluation I haven't been the best at doing these blogs so I'd better do this evaluation haha

First of all I've never used blogs before taking this class.

One positive aspect about using these blogs I'd guess is that writing them always made me think back on the lectures or the readings, so it helped in remembering what was going on in class.

Difficulties in using the blogs? When it came to technical issues it was just a hassle having to use my computer. Not a fan of that. I didn't really have any conceptual problems though.

I always enjoyed and thought the prompts that asked to provide specific examples from media were interesting. The one where we had to describe and provide examples of different types of shots was a really fun one.

I wouldn't use blogs again in future courses though. I prefer turning hard copies of work. Paper and ink. That way there's no stupid screw ups that involve the internet.

I wouldn't know what to do to change the blogging experience and make it better. I would suggest not doing them and switching to one or two page responses typed and printed, but then again I'm not the teacher. I haven't done tests to see what works with students.

Anyway those are my thoughts on this whole blogging experience.

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