First off all, what is an episodic sitcom?
--In episodic sitcoms the story is told and finished within one episode, with many stories being told within a season. Each episode raises a question, and then answers it at the end of that same episode. They start and end pretty much of where they started in the episode. Lessons are learned but characters seem to stay about the same. These episodes are almost formulaic, almost to the point of being predictable.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the best example of an episodic sitcom I can think of. In Sunny the "gang" always has some kind of scheme that is thought of at the beginning of the episode (usually provoked by some kind of challenge one person will present to another, like in the episode "The Gang Dances Their Asses Off", or they may actually see a problem with society that they try to solve, like in the episode "The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis") and through many comedic attempts and failures (usually due to everyone screwing each other over) nothing ever ends up right in the end.
One of Charlie's many schemes
This formula is the same in almost all of the episodes. They end exactly where they started out. And with every new episode, consequences are rarely brought over from episode to episode. The best part about Sunny is the fact that the characters ALWAYS stay the same. Throughout the series they all remain ignorant but lovable assholes.